Well, on with the the splines. There were 48 splines in all to rip to thickness and width. That would have been an exhaustive task without jigs (in woodworking it's all about jigs). It's sort of time consuming to make jigs, however, it's not only essential but a time saver in the long run.
All the splines are
glued in and a round-over bit in the router table makes quick work of the miters. The next task will be to sand all the
pieces and stain the frame and add a finish.
Howdy, I am taking a little woodworking class and am making this inbox as my first project ever! I saw the article in Woodsmith and thought it would be good to start with since it was small, but had enough interesting joints that it would be challenging. I'm curious to know how you ended up finishing yours. Post so we can see the finished project. Thanks.