Thursday, April 1, 2010

bloodwood Jewelry box #2

I had to decide on the dimensions I needed to make the box so I could utilize the whole piece of lumber as I didn't want to use any other type of wood for the project. So I came up with 9 1/2 x 4 3/4 width and depth, the height was predetermined by the board being 3 1/2 inches wide. There were a couple of considerations here. One was how much wood I had and two what proportions to use. Well there is a formula in design that is used in most circumstances and that is 1.618, it is sort of a golden rule I read about some where and it works pretty good when designing a project on your own.
The next thing to do was to figure out whether to use some type of feet for it or incorporate feet into it by cutting the sides to look like feet (something that is done on small boxes to keep it looking good yet keeping it simple and cost effective) well I choose the first option since this is a box that I want to be proud of.
The type of feet I came up with were Ogee bracket feet since that was sort of the theme of the design

This is a picture of the design, the template that was going to be used on all 8 pieces ( two per foot) and the size of the actual piece I was going to attempt to make the feet.
I cut the front profile with a ogee shaped router bit on the edge of the board, ripped  it to the width of 3/4"  and cut them to length one side 90 deg and the other end at 45 deg, this way you don't have to do dangerous cuts on the tablesaw . I used a smaller copy of a panel sled to cut the angles and to length (much safer and eliminates tear out).

So this is how they came out after cutting the profile on the bandsaw and gluing the together ( Quite proud of them) .                                                    

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